St. Timothy

Lutheran Church

812 E. Tarpon Ave.

Tarpon Springs, FL 34689


Fax: 727-943-2133

We offer both in-person and online services

as follows:


Click HERE to go directly to our YouTube


Saturday Worship:

5:00 pm

Sunday Worship: 

8:30 am 
11:00 am


Sunday school:

10:00 am
See our Sunday School page

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9 AM - 3 PM

Friday - Sunday

A Caring, Church sharing Jesus Christ with the World offering

Help, Hope and Home.


St. Timothy Ministry Guide:  Outreach


The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.  Matthew 25:40

Reaching out to those in need is an integral part of the congregational life at St. Timothy. Creating an awareness and sharing our gifts, talents and resources with those who are vulnerable, hungry, lonely, homeless, sick or living in poverty is integrated into many of our ministries. We focus both on those in need in our own community as well as helping others around the world.


Lutheran Services Florida


Habitat for Humanity



The Haven



Sarah’s Tent


Sarah’s Tent is a community meal, welcoming everyone from the community who would like

a hot meal for both lunch and dinner on Thursdays every week. Sarah’s Tent is part of the

Tarpon Springs community network offering meals 7 days a week to those in need.

Volunteers are always welcome with this ministry.

Please contact Tom or Rosemary Hill for more information.

USDA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer




The Tabitha Project


The Tabitha Project was born from a group of individuals who REALLY want to make a difference in the lives of the people living in our surrounding communities. We want to reach out and help our community brothers and sisters with projects around the house, providing a ride to a doctor’s visit, picking up some groceries, or lending a hand with helping a younger brother and sister with tutoring or sports training. No matter how small we are willing to lend a hand with a special need. We want to bring back the love and care that built this nation’s communities and has been rapidly unraveling through the years. God’s love shines in all of us and when we share it among our brothers and sisters it becomes brighter. Brightening lives of others and giving a little hope and understanding is the foundation of The Tabitha Project. If you are interested in learning more about The Tabitha Project, or would like to volunteer - just click on this link above to see our website.



Citizen's Alliance for Progress (CAP Center)


Shepherd Center

The Shepherd Center of Tarpon Springs is an interfaith outreach of compassion developed to educate, assist and support the needs of all in our community. Through its faith conviction The Shepherd Center feeds the hungry, clothes the poor and equips the most needy among us. St. Timothy partners with the Shepherd Center assisting with volunteers, collecting supplies and items for the food pantry and assisting with various special events such as the Christmas toy drive and the annual fund raiser.



Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Global Mission

Guyana The Florida Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has a strong relationship with the Lutheran Church of Guyana. Teams from the synod travel to Guyana three to four times a year building on the relationship that was established many years ago through youth work in Guyana. Work in Guyana includes supporting the medical work, building congregational relationships, encouraging pastors and lay leaders of the Lutheran Church of Guyana and accompanying the Guyanese in the work of the church. A team from St. Timothy travels to Guyana at least once a year. Service trips to Guyana are open to all 18 years of age or older. For more information about our relationship with Guyana or to be a part of this ministry please contact Chris Klafs.



Evangelical Lutheran Church of America World Hunger Program


St. Timothy actively supports the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s World Hunger Program. Funds raised for ELCA World Hunger are used in relief efforts and sustainable development projects all over the world, including domestically in our own communities. St Timothy is active in both fund raising and also educating congregation members about the root causes of hunger and about how each one of us can make a difference through lifestyle changes, contributions and advocacy in the fight against hunger.  For more information, please contact Mary Delasin.